The details of the deadly accident in Sangachal settlement, Garadagh district of Baku, a few days ago have been revealed. The driver who hit and killed a pedestrian with a Toyota Prado car and crushed three vehicles was found to be ill. According to the report, the driver had epilepsy. He had a convulsion while driving and depressed the accelerator instead of the brakes. As a result, such a tragic event occurred. According to media reports, people with this disease can not drive.

First, let’s look at some information about epilepsy. In his article published on, well-known neurologist Galib Asadov noted that during epilepsy, a pathological stimulus is formed in the brain, which periodically generates generalized electrical activity in the brain:

“As a result, epileptic seizures appear. Due to its symptoms, the disease has been given various names in the vernacular. Epileptic seizures are divided into two types: minor and major seizures. During major episodes, the patients fall to the ground, their hands close, eyes roll, and their mouths foam.”


Qalib Asadov

The neurologist added that minor seizures manifest themselves in different ways: “During minor seizures, patients do not fall, or experience dizziness, and fainting. Sometimes they make an unusual sound without knowing it. Some patients start laughing during seizures. Sometimes they see strange creatures, and during a conversation, they look the other way and do not answer when called. These are also signs of a small seizure. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor so that it does not turn into a major seizure.”

Can patients with epilepsy drive a car? First of all, let’s see an expert opinion. Neurologist Galib Asadov says that people with epilepsy should not be allowed to drive. “Apparently, the citizen got his license by hiding his illness. But in general, people should not be allowed to drive if they are suspected of having the disease.”

By the way, according to the requirements of Article 33 (Right to drive) of the Law on Road Traffic, the relevant organizations of the Health Ministry determine the grounds for considering a person fit to drive, as well as the list of diseases or physical defects that prevent driving. And sends information on persons deemed unfit to drive to the Main State Traffic Police Department.

According to the Instruction on the Issuance and Change of Driving Licenses, persons registered in psychiatric or drug dispensaries are generally not allowed to take the driving test. In addition, a citizen must pass examinations by eight qualified doctors and undergo one laboratory, one cardiology and 1 X-ray examination for a medical certificate. This includes the examination by a therapist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, neurologist, endocrinologist and a qualified physician. Checking blood glucose, electrocardiogram, and fluorography are required too.

People with diabetes, both women and men, shouldn’t be issued a driver's license. People with rheumatic heart disease (active phase), people with coronary heart disease, angina pectoris are also prohibited from driving. Those who see with one eye and do not see the other cannot get a driver's license. Limitation of vision by more than 20 degrees, strabismus is also contraindication for a driver's license. There are exceptions for those with high blood pressure during a physician's examination. Thus, the doctor temporarily sends such people for treatment. The next time a person with normalized blood pressure is issued a driver's license.

As for epilepsy in particular, the State Traffic Police Office says that in general, neurological and psychiatric patients should not drive. Because epilepsy is also a neurological disease, it is absolutely inadmissible for these people to drive a car.

By the way, according to Article 33 of the Law on Road Traffic, first-time drivers are required to have an identity card, a driving school certificate, a medical certificate along with a state fee for a driver's license.

However, this requirement applies with exceptions when changing a driver's license. Thus, according to the amendments to the Law on Road Traffic, when changing a driver's license, a medical certificate is required only from citizens over 60 years of age. According to Article 34 (driver's license) of the law, persons under the age of 60 must change their driver's license every 10 years. Persons aged 70 and over must change their driver's license every 2 years.

Experts say that the incident raises the issue of medical certificates. Traffic expert Elmaddin Muradli said in an interview with Khazar TV's Khazar Khabar program that a medical certificate must be required every 10 years when a driver's license expires. The expert believes that by applying this rule, it is possible to identify drivers with health problems in a timely manner.